In the News: Wildfires and Oregon's Recreation Economy

September 20, 2020
After struggling through nearly two weeks of devastating fires and a thick blanket of smoke, rains finally brought a measure of relief late last week. Now comes the work of grappling with the damage. This New York Times feature article, which draws from an interview with OREI executive director, Lee Davis, explores the impact of Oregon's natural resources economy.

In the News: Update on the State of the Industry

September 6, 2020
Since spring, OREI has been working in partnership with the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) to track the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sprawling outdoor industry. After early data revealed widespread economic devastation, our most recent findings offer signs of recovery. Media coverage shows how our research is shaping the conversation. Caption of bike riders in woods goes here

LEADER SERIES: Learning Leadership in an Uncertain Time

September 1, 2020
A conversation with professional coach, Greer Van Dyck, about the inaugural Leadership Certificate cohort If you ask Greer Van Dyck, the real magic of learning happens through meaningful integration. That’s especially true in leadership training, where learners are working to change how they perceive themselves and how they interact with others. That takes work.

Opinion: The Outdoor Industry at a Crossroads

May 6, 2020
By Lee Davis, Executive Director The outdoor recreation economy has been devastated in unique ways by the layered impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. This is a huge problem for the people whose livelihoods are directly tied to outdoor recreation, and a blow to the rural communities that have been buoyed by recreation dollars. This is a crisis, to be sure, but it’s also an opportunity

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If your publication would like to feature a CORE program, student or instructor, please contact Antony Vorobyov.

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