Signs of Recovery for the Outdoor Economy

September 23, 2020
In partnership with the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR), we have been surveying the industry since April and aggregating data to measure the impacts of COVID-19 on the recreation economy as a whole. Our most recent findings tell the story of an impressive, if still fragile, recovery.

In the News: Update on the State of the Industry

September 6, 2020
Since spring, OREI has been working in partnership with the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) to track the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sprawling outdoor industry. After early data revealed widespread economic devastation, our most recent findings offer signs of recovery. Media coverage shows how our research is shaping the conversation. Caption of bike riders in woods goes here

Media inquiries

If your publication would like to feature a CORE program, student or instructor, please contact Antony Vorobyov.

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