VF Foundation awards second grant to Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy

July 25, 2022
The VF Foundation awarded a second $150,000 grant to Oregon State University’s Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy (CORE). With a total of $300,000 in grant aid awarded, the VF Foundation is CORE’s largest funder to date. These grants are intended to support CORE’s ongoing research and the growth of a national consortium of institutions aiming to offer or expand outdoor industry programming.

CORE partner Kristen Freaney launches Career School to help frustrated professionals

January 6, 2022
As Oregon State University’s Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy (CORE) continues to grow, our team looks to industry partners and specialized consultants for valuable guidance and insights. One of our key collaborators is Kristen Freaney, who plays an important advisory role for CORE through her consulting business, Path to Peak. Kristen recently announced a new venture, Career School,.

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If your publication would like to feature a CORE program, student or instructor, please contact Antony Vorobyov.

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