Signs of Recovery for the Outdoor Economy

Road to Recovery written on desert road

In partnership with the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR), we have been surveying the industry since April and aggregating data to measure the impacts of COVID-19 on the recreation economy as a whole. Our most recent findings tell the story of an impressive, if still fragile, recovery.

In May, 50% of respondents reported temporary furloughs, 29% were laying off employees and 8% had closed their doors permanently. After weathering that storm, things began to improve for the industry over the summer, and by August, a full 36% were hiring again.

The road ahead is still difficult. Layoffs are still happening at a high level, and while business closures have slowed, they have not stopped. But the resilience we're seeing now gives us every reason to believe that with the right support, the outdoor economy and all of the small, regional businesses that give it its unique character, will come out of this downturn an a strong footing.

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