LEADER SERIES: Panel Discussion Recap

June 22, 2021
On June 14, Windrose Coaching Founder, Greer Van Dyck, moderated a panel discussion with seasoned leaders and rising stars of the outdoor recreation economy. The event was ideal for early career professionals preparing to emerge as outdoor recreation economy leaders—or for established industry leaders in search of meaningful professional development programs for their teams

EVENT: Outdoor Leadership Information Session and Panel Discussion

June 9, 2021
Join us, Monday, June 14th at 1pm, for an engaging panel discussion featuring outdoor industry leaders and alumni from OSU and its Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy’s inaugural Outdoor Industry Leadership cohort. If you’re a rising professional who’s ready to step into your own as a leader in the outdoor recreation economy—or if you’re looking for a meaningful professional development.

OPINION: The outdoor industry’s moment of opportunity

June 7, 2021
The demand for both close-to-home and regional outdoor recreation opportunities has never been greater. While that’s good news for the outdoor economy, it’s also putting pressure on an industry workforce that is already struggling with chronic skill-gaps and a retirement wave. By uniting around a new vision of workforce development, the outdoor recreation industry can capture the full opportunity.

Introducing the Center for the Outdoor Recreation Economy

May 26, 2021
We're excited to announce that the Outdoor Recreation Economy Initiative (OREI) is now a full "Center" within Oregon State University.

Exploring a new resource for Oregon's rural communities

April 8, 2021
A Conversation with Chris Perkins and Cailin O'Brien-Feeney Last year, we partnered with Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) to produce a Rural Development Toolkit to help rural communities build a recreation economy that supports local aspirations. To dig a little more deeply into both the new toolkit in the context of Oregon’s rural communities, we recently sat down with ORR’s researcher, Chris.

LEADER SERIES: Travel Oregon’s Hilary Sager

February 1, 2021
For Hilary Sager, Destination Development Manager with Travel Oregon, leadership is about rising to the moment, no matter what your title may be. In this time of social justice reckoning, that means asking big questions about how recreation and tourism can be part of creating a more equitable world.

Land and Water Conservation Fund Top 11 Projects

December 22, 2020
With the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA), the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) now has a guaranteed source for $900 million in mandatory annual funding for outdoor recreation and conservation projects across the nation. That’s great news, but it also raises big questions about the best way to invest those much-needed funds. The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR).

LEADER SERIES: Vámanos Outside creator Zavier Borja

December 7, 2020
Zavier Borja’s capstone project for OREI’s inaugural Leadership program didn’t just build on his already impressive leadership skills—it also helped school kids in Bend rebuild connections to the outdoors that had been lost in the COVID shutdown.

Pilot Year Update

November 10, 2020
This year has been full of twists and turns. We've made progress anyway.

Signs of Recovery for the Outdoor Economy

September 23, 2020
In partnership with the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR), we have been surveying the industry since April and aggregating data to measure the impacts of COVID-19 on the recreation economy as a whole. Our most recent findings tell the story of an impressive, if still fragile, recovery.

Media inquiries

If your publication would like to feature a CORE program, student or instructor, please contact Antony Vorobyov.

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